Impact of LEGO® ROBOTICS in STEM education – ROBO CLASSES

Impact of LEGO® ROBOTICS in STEM education

Impact of LEGO® ROBOTICS in STEM education

The increase in technology is compelling more people to consider critical thinking and  acquire problem solving skills. It is a must to succeed in the career aspirations of the future.

Technology and robotics programming are giving the learners lots of opportunities and challenges to develop disruptive thinking, innovative ideas, and learning skills of tomorrow.Using robotics is an effective strategy and one of the best educational tool to impart STEM education to today’s kids as most of them are already surrounded by technology and relates to it .

Why learn through LEGO Robotics?

LEGO education for primary school provides hands-on, engaging experience. It allows to explore STEM concepts and associates with the phenomenon of real-life. The lesson plans are supporting for teachers that they stir natural curiosity in students, and the LEGO bricks works as programming tools, helping in developing creativity, essential communication, critical thinking-skills, and collaboration in an exciting way. There are flexible solutions that students can discover how technology, science, math, and engineering affect life.

LEGO Education covers coding programs to LEGO robotics that learning with LEGO is a discovery and joy that is accessible. Learning the solutions helps in being flexible. There are lesson plans as standards, and it provides learning experiences in a unique style. It includes problem-solving lessons and guided learning relating to the observations and questions of real-life observations. The options of assessment come as built-in in the lessons that assessment takes place on the spot during the process of learning.

The LEGO program is in collaboration with educators and university leaders and is teachers tested. The lesson plans are as per the standard and the Math gives over 60 options to multiple STEM learning levels and subjects.


In LEGO education solutions, the educators and trainers integrate STEM curriculum with LEGO solutions and there is the student perspective taken into consideration.

  • The STEM skills help during competitions as it engages and motivates students to display and develop their technology and science skills. You can work as a team, build teamwork skills, and collaborate to ensure the changing workforce is a success. The programs of LEGO Education supports the events and programs giving students more learning opportunities.
  • Endless possibility of cLEGO Education help in abstract concepts that students are able to use tangible elements in computational thinking, science and principles of engineering.
  • There are grades K-2 designed for students to get idea of real-world bricks and science concepts. It is possible using the DUPLO bricks. There are hands-on approach tasks for grades 3-5 to understand the concepts of mechanics, balance, and energy.

 Actual Benefits

STEM representing Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has reputation of introducing to hard sciences. With LEGO the STEM skills make learning creative and fun. The best benefits of LEGO STEM learning are:

  • Science is fun- Science appears boring and tough with STEM. However, with LEGO STEM toys the same subject is entertaining and fun that children learn it in a playful way.
  • Increases confidence- There is confidence gained as it learns with LEGO toys. It is an opportunity to build confidence using the skills of STEM through the toys that allows tapping into curiosity and thrive.
  • Endless possibilities- The greatest LEGO possibility is that every gender, age and interest can be a part of LEGO MINDSTORMS and LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 programs so that they can get the creative juices from their children flowing by acquiring the coding skills. LEDO develops problem solving skills and encourages to explore things in greater detail.

 Our offerings – 

LEGO Education WeDo2.0, every lesson has a new curriculum with programs to build. The aim is to motivate and engage elementary students in learning engineering and science related subjects. The learning of programming is simple to learn using motorized LEGO models.

LEGO Education Spike Prime, it supports learning solution giving the confidence to students to solve and answer real-life problems. The course or the material will not give the students all that they want to know. It will teach them to question that they know, and also what they are not getting to understand, will make them explore.Students can do the coding using python or scratch programming so it caters to ages.

LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3, The aim is to impart robotics education for older kids and engage high school students in learning engineering and science related subjects. The learning of programming is simple to learn using motorized LEGO models with multiple sensors.

The course is given as projects and is connected to curriculum standards. The projects are tasks that makes the learners to explore, connect, create, build and program the project. Each project takes few hours to complete. During this process students have a line of inquiry and come with possible solutions. They know to design solutions, investigate and to use the models. They also know to explain their solutions as how they created their findings using LEGO models. During each project and phase, students know the answers to all their findings.

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